Senin, 13 Desember 2010

Finally I've got Justin Bieber new album and I'm a belieber magazine

Omg!! 2 days ago me and my bf like a lucky girl in the world haha. Because we are already have MY WORLD THE COLLECTION and I'M A BELIEBER. Aaaaa we like crazy girl that day. And let me tell you how can I got it.

2 days ago me and my bf, Mitha was planned to bought Justin Bieber new album and ordered kaWanku Justin Bieber edition. First destination was cd store and when we there, we look on the new release shelf. I didn't look it and we asked to the shopkeeper. She try to search it on storage but 10 minutes later she come to us and said "It's sold out." What the?

So we have to run a second plan which we going to another cd store and there was at some mall. After arrived at mall, we headed straight to the cd store with a little worried (at least that was me. hey kuz do you have the same feel? haha) When we were arrived, I look that on their etalase and the shopkeeper asked what cd we wanted to find. We answered " Justin Bieber new album. MY WORLD COLLECTION." and YEEAAAY WE GOT IT! Oh God finnaly we can have it haha.

After pay that, we went to book store to ordered I'M A BELIEBER. We try to search it first on the magazine shelf. At first, I didn't think that we will got it that day. But I just say "Hey, If we got that 2 items today. What we gonna do? screaming maybe?" Fortunately, thats all not just a word but that was become a real. Yeaa when we reach the shelf, we were not really tried to search it. But when I return some magazine which has Harry Potter at the cover on the under self. I was look the magazine which I looking for along 1 month. Mitha still didn't realize it because she was read a magazine. I feel like wanna scream to her but I think I will feel so embarassed if I do it. You know what? when I want to show her the magazine she was think like this "what happen with her? why she smile like that? and what that on her hand?" Can you guess what happen with her when I give I'M A BELIEBER on her? She wanted to screamed too.
     Then we gonna pay the book but I feel like something forgeted and I was remember, that I wanted to buy Matemathics book. But the book was out of stock. Haha thats mean God not allow us to have studying *evil laugh*
    After going out from the book store we just like speechless. We not expected that we will got it all on one day. I think luck was following us that day. And not forget to give thanks to Allah for making that day :)

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