Senin, 13 Desember 2010

Finally I've got Justin Bieber new album and I'm a belieber magazine

Omg!! 2 days ago me and my bf like a lucky girl in the world haha. Because we are already have MY WORLD THE COLLECTION and I'M A BELIEBER. Aaaaa we like crazy girl that day. And let me tell you how can I got it.

2 days ago me and my bf, Mitha was planned to bought Justin Bieber new album and ordered kaWanku Justin Bieber edition. First destination was cd store and when we there, we look on the new release shelf. I didn't look it and we asked to the shopkeeper. She try to search it on storage but 10 minutes later she come to us and said "It's sold out." What the?

So we have to run a second plan which we going to another cd store and there was at some mall. After arrived at mall, we headed straight to the cd store with a little worried (at least that was me. hey kuz do you have the same feel? haha) When we were arrived, I look that on their etalase and the shopkeeper asked what cd we wanted to find. We answered " Justin Bieber new album. MY WORLD COLLECTION." and YEEAAAY WE GOT IT! Oh God finnaly we can have it haha.

After pay that, we went to book store to ordered I'M A BELIEBER. We try to search it first on the magazine shelf. At first, I didn't think that we will got it that day. But I just say "Hey, If we got that 2 items today. What we gonna do? screaming maybe?" Fortunately, thats all not just a word but that was become a real. Yeaa when we reach the shelf, we were not really tried to search it. But when I return some magazine which has Harry Potter at the cover on the under self. I was look the magazine which I looking for along 1 month. Mitha still didn't realize it because she was read a magazine. I feel like wanna scream to her but I think I will feel so embarassed if I do it. You know what? when I want to show her the magazine she was think like this "what happen with her? why she smile like that? and what that on her hand?" Can you guess what happen with her when I give I'M A BELIEBER on her? She wanted to screamed too.
     Then we gonna pay the book but I feel like something forgeted and I was remember, that I wanted to buy Matemathics book. But the book was out of stock. Haha thats mean God not allow us to have studying *evil laugh*
    After going out from the book store we just like speechless. We not expected that we will got it all on one day. I think luck was following us that day. And not forget to give thanks to Allah for making that day :)

Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

The first day on December

It's the first day of December.

Today I was started my day with coming late to school. Because my lil sister not allowed me to take the bathroom. --" She said " Don't use my bathroom, I want use it. If you want to take a shower, you must waiting for me or use the other bathroom." And I don't want use the the other bathroom. So I'm waiting until she finished it.

Then I went to school with a hurry. Fortunately, I arrived when my classmates entranced the class. *fiuuh thanks God* First lesson is Geography, but my teacher is absent fo few days. He was got an accident when he was on his way to back home.  Get well soon sir :)

The second lesson is Sport. We must ran three times round. After that, the girls played basket and the boy played soccer. But in the middle of class, she asked us to finished it and she told us that my teacher's child was passed away because of DB. We were shock to hear that. Her child old is around 3 years, and I ever met him. You know what? He is so cute.. Oh God why you pick up him so fast?

Me and my classmates was planing to attended his funeral ceremony on his house. We'll go together from school at 13.30 by motorcycle. I'll go with Mitha and she will pick me first. Okay, that was confirmed.
But until 14.50 she doesn't pick me yet! I texting her and she said she was on the way. She pick me at around 15.10. Then we went directly to the my teacher house * we were not go to school, because of hurry*. We were too late and get lost. We asked to stranger for the right direction. Finnaly we found it. And GUESS WHAT?! My teacher's child has been buried! and I'm not met my teacher for say the expression of grief. And I met my classmates, she said that our classmates was engage to the burial. So I went to there, but there were nothing. It was deserted.
Then Mitha ask Cemplon to go to where we were. Cemplon come with 3 my classmates. We were go with no clear destination.

Finally I arrived at home at around 16.30. I went to my room and founded that my book was not on my bookcase. So I must tidy it up.

Okay guys, enough for tonight. I feel so tired today need a rest.

And hey I almost forget. Can you open my link that is competition for belieber. Just click it please, and for you out there who already open it. I say "Thank you so much!" :D

Selasa, 30 November 2010


Tommorow is already December! And I have some wish for that.

1) My family, friends, best friends, and all of people get many happines and healthy. 
2) Make my parents proud of me.
3) Be a more better person, in everything. I realize that sometimes I'm arrogant, selfish, unreasonable, and many more. And everyday I trying to not take out that.
4) I can get good mark for exams, which will start on Dec 17th, 2010. Wish me luck guys!
5) They problems will resolved as soon as possible. *they is mean for ....yaah let it be my secret*
6) My sister do not being more dangerous! Hahaha not being more naughty I mean.
7) @justinbieber will follow, replies, retweet, dm, or just read my tweet. Essentially he know me as his fans/beliebers.
8) I wanna watch @petra_sihombing new movie and watch it together with him and my best friend.
9) Have a very great last month of this year. 
10) Nothing happen with my friendship.  
11) You know me and .. be my boy maybe? hoho a little possibility but NEVER SAY NEVER.
12) There are dollar rain at my garden, so I can get some dollar for my pocket money.
13) I already get My World Collection and First Step 2 Forever.
14) Get some centimeter more taller than now.  
15) Indonesia not get any disaster again. Enough for that all disaster, it's too many people become homeless, trauma, missing they family because of it. 
16) All of my wish and everyone wish become true.

That's all are my wish. Actually, I still has many wish and I really hope that all of my wish will become true. Aren't it impossible? NEVER SAY NEVER ^.^


Rabu, 10 November 2010

Can't wait for Justin Bieber new album!

I've just listened some parts of Justin Bieber new song!! PRAY!!! I was listened on Youtube *and now i save it on my lappy.aaaa*
Although only some parts,but I REALLY REALLY LOVE THIS SONG VERY MUCH!
Pray will exist in Justin Bieber new Album, My Worlds Acoustic. But thats album just for some country. My Worlds - The Collection is for countries outside the My Worlds Acoustic will traded.

Gosh, I can't wait to his new album. I really want to buy that. My Worlds - The Collection will be traded in Indonesia last month, along November 22th, 2010. I think I seem to be more patient. u.u

If you wanna hear some part of Pray too, click here .Enjoy the song!

Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

20.10.2010 :)

Yeaah it's a beautiful date, isn't it? haha 

Yang gw rasa hari itu campur campur. yaa pokoknya baca aja deh :) 

 Pelajaran pertama IPS Geografi dan gurunya nggak adaaa! huehehe. Tapi tetep dikasih tugas --" untung tugasnya udah gw kerjain separo. Abis Geografi, lanjut Olahraga. Naah biasanya, gw agak males sama mapel yang satu ini, tergantung materinya juga sih. Tapi hari itu beda! Gw kayak lebih semangat aja, mungkin karena gw kira Penjas nya cuma skj doang. 
 Setelah udah pada kumpul, sama gurunya di bilangin tuh kita materinya ngapain. Jadi yang cowok langsung disuruh skj, yang cewek disuruh lari dulu satu putaran ngelilingin sekolah, trus disuruh basket. Udah kan, kita lari tuh. Gw biasanya lari baru bentar aja, perutnya udah sakit dulu. Trus kalo udah sakit gitu, gw bakal berhenti bentar abis itu jalan lagi, sampe kira2 sakitnya udah agak ilang. Eh kemarin, boro2 dah berhenti, jalan aja kagak a.k.a gw lari trus!! 
 Sementara yang cowok skj, kita di suruh main basket. Karena pada nggak mau, akhirnya kita main kucing kucingan. Kata bu tri *gurunya* mainnya sambil rotasi tempat tapi pelan2 biar yang kena panas gantian. Eeeh tapi ada beberapa anak yang enggak mau kena panas jadi mereka cuma di bagian yang teduh aja --" *gw gak termasuk lho* 
 Berhubung kita udah pada bosen ama kepanasan, main kucing kucingannya nggak di terusin lagi tuh, yang ada kita malah pada ngadem. Mungkin karena gurunya jengkel, kita di suruh lari lagi 3 putaran keliling lapangan.   
  Dan selama yang cewek2 pada basket. Anak anak cowok di suruh ngulangin skj sampe 10 kali ada tuh. huakakak kaciaan :P

Abis Penjas, lanjut Biologi. Dan itu ulangan. Mampus! Gw belon belajar sama sekali, mana kagak ngedong blas! Selama ulangan terpaksa dong, cari bantuan. Dapet beberapa bantuan *contekan* sih, tapi kayaknya nggak seberapa membantu. _ _" Teeet teeet. Nah lo punya gw belom selesai noh, jalan akhirnya ya di awur ama cari bantuan lain. Hasilnya? Pasrah deeeh T.T 

Next PKK. Baru inget kalo pkk juga ulangan. ---____--- Belajar kilat! Dan hasilnya, nilai gw ngepas banget. Berapa coba? 7,5! nah si mifta yang temen sebangku gw dapet 9,5 . AAAAA tau gitu gw liat punya lo dikit deh.

Teeet teeet teeet. Bel pulang.
Gw langsung keluar tuh. Biasa mau ngeliatin *piiiip* hehe. Sementara gw nunggu jemputan, si *pip* ama temen2nya pada ngobrol ngobrol di tepat yang sama ama gw. Waah udah deh, gw senengnya minta ampun. Daan gak lama kemudian si *pip* sempet liat gw. Melayang deh, melayang. *.* Tapi dia cuma sekilas liat :( gak apa lah yang penting tu anak liat gw. huahahaha

Di rumah lagi nonton tv sama mama & adek. Eh mama dapet sms dan langsung kaget. Ternyata eyang gw kena stroke. Gw malah hampir kagak percaya. Soalnya waktu lebaran kemarin gw ketemu di pertemuan keluarga dan masih sehat banget. Get well soon yang :* 

Okay, itu semua yang gw alamin di tanggal cantik 20.10.2010
Berarti kemarin gw ngerasa bete, semangat, capek, panas, laper, seneng, kaget, stress, sedih, pokoknya gado- gado lah. Dan gw masih penasaran kenapa kemarin gw olahraganya semangat banget. Masa iya karena gw suka ama *pip* Tauk ah.

Jumat, 24 September 2010

Beliebers shocked !!

Why? The reason is justin make me and some beliebers jealous because he was kissing Jasmine Villegas !! Actually, it was happened on Sep 9th, 2010. But the photos was came out on Sep 21, 2010.

Thats pic really make beliebers, jealous, angry, sad, shock, screaming, crying, and anything else. Like my bf said "One picture thousand words"
I'm the one of  beliebers, who really jealous and has a question for Justin Bieber. The question is " Is it true that Jasmine Villegas is your new girl friend?" 
If the answer is yes, i'm also happy.

Although many beliebers doesn't like this rumor, 

Okay keep beliebing guys! 
Live, laugh, love.

Kamis, 09 September 2010

Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin yaaa :D

Allahu akbar Allahu akbar...
 yap malam ini semua umat muslim pada takbiraan, yeey ^^ . 
takbiran = ramadhan usai , itu artinya gw jadi gak bisa nonton ovj sahur lagiii, yaah padahal itu acara yang gw tunggu- tunggu kalo lagi sahur :(
tapi gak apa lah, ramadhan selesai juga ada hikmahnya kok. salah satunya ya dapet THR, bukan Tugas Hari Raya lho, tapi Tunjangan Hari Raya, yes \(^o^)/

berhubung bulan ramadhan udah selesai, berarti saatnya maaf maafan dong. sebenernya sih kalo maaf maafan gak harus pas lebaran juga kali yaa. tapi yang namanya udah tradisi kan susah di ilangin, ya nggak?
tapii ngemaafin orang itu nggak gampang, ngomongnya aja gampang tapi di dalem hati, asli masih susah ngemaafinnya.

btw ramadhan ini, gw pengen banget minta maaf sama :
  1. orang tua, terutama mama soalnya gw sering banget yang namanya susah dibilangin alias ngeyel, hehe
  2. yangti dan eyang eyangku yang lain
  3. tante & om 
  4. nasywa *adek gw*
  5. saudara saudara
  6. ma best friend, dea a.k.a cemplon and mitha a.k.a kuz kuz
  7. temen temen, mulai dari yg di sekolah, sanggar, twitter, semuanya deh
maaf kalo nina punya salah sama kalian semua, sengaja maupun nggak di sengaja tolong di maafin yaa. namanya juga manusia, pasti nggak ada yang sempurna kan :)
buat mama papa, maaf kalo selama ini nina susah dibilangin, suka nakal ama nasywa, dan masih banyak yang lainnya. insyaallah nina bakal jadi anak yang lebih baik lagi dan jadi kayak apa yang kalian harapin. :"(
buat nasywa, maaf ya kalo kakak sering ngegodain n marah marah. *makanya kalo nggak mau di marahin ya jangan nakal*
buat cemplon n kuz kuz, sorry kalo gw sering nyusahin kalian, ngejailin *trus apalagi?* ya pokoknya kalo ada hal yang enggak srek dari gw ke kalian. gw minta maaf ya guys :* :"
buat temen temen semua, maaf kalo gw sering jail, nyontek *hehe* , cerewet, rese, suka ngetweet hal hal nggak penting, maaf juga kalo ada kata kata yang nggak enak di kalian.

Pokoknya buat kalian semua yang kenal sama gw, NINDYA MEIDYVA USUMAN. gw cuma bisa minta maaf yang sebesar besarnya atas semua kesalahan kesalahan gw :" 
dimulai dari nol lagi yaa :)

Selamat Idul Fitri 1431 H. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin. Semoga amal ibadah kita selama bulan ramadhan ini, dapat diterima olehNya. amin

 sekian ~dyva's land owner

Kamis, 02 September 2010

dyva first post :D

* tet tot tet tot teeet *
nina is in the house yooooo!!
hai hai. kalo kata orang jadul kan " tak kenal maka tak sayang ". JADI di postingan pertama ini gw bakal lebih memperkenalkan diri ajaa yaaa, hehe. 

okay gw mulai yaa...
14 tahun yang lalu telah lahirlah seorang anak perempuan yang lucu ke dunia ini dengan sehat dan selamat... ehhh tunggu2 ini kenapa jadi kayak dongeng yakk, pake bahasa biasa aja deh. 
nama lengkap gw itu NINDYA MEIDYVA USUMAN , di inget tuh tulisannya, soalnya nama gw kadang malah ada yang nulis jadi NINDYA MEIDYNA USMAN , ato sejenis itu lah --" . nama panggilan ane NINA , yang mau manggil NINA BOBO silahkan, tapi resiko tanggung sendiri ya, kalo tiba2 ada gw di dalem mimpi lo lo pade *just kidding .
Nindya M.U was born in Sleman, May 21th 1996. my hobby is reading, tweeting, and listening music *sebenernya sih juga suka renang, tapi sekarang udah jarang :( * .
sekarang saya bersekolah diii SMP N 5 DEPOK JOGJAKARTA, yang mana saya telah duduk di kelas 9, puncak ke-stressannya ya sekarang ini *enggak deng*  

This is one thing about me *you must know*  Nindya is the girl who always support and love JUSTIN BIEBER and PETRA SIHOMBING :D

thats all about me..
kalo pada suka ya syukur, yang gak suka gw doain kecemplung sumur, hahaha bercanda lhoo

Follow my twitter, @nina_dyva . just tweet me and  i will follow you back :) [must be follow me first] 
Add my facebook here

thanks for the time,
cya :D ~ dyva's land owner